The story so far
We are first and foremost a Social Enterprise. Our vision is inspired by personal experience, backed up by scientific research and driven by our passion to bring light to the lives of all those living with dementia.
"Help us fight dementia! 10% of the profit from every item you buy funds vital dementia research."
The story behind Timeless Presents

Hi, We're Sharon and Chris Daltrey, The Timeless Presents dementia journey started one spring afternoon. My Dad had Alzheimer’s, the most common cause of Dementia. One day, we were in the car together, I was driving when he suddenly exclaimed ‘Oh! Look at the flowers on the trees!’ He had forgotten that trees blossom in the spring and had been moved by the unexpected display all along the road. It could have been a moment of sadness for me but I saw them through his eyes, as though for the first time, and shared his wonder. Reflecting on this moment in subsequent days I made a decision, that I would take the journey with him, that perhaps there might be other moments of joy on the way. Over time his vocabulary decreased, and the number of things he had to say diminished, but he didn’t lose the desire to communicate. As he progressed into the later stages he moved to a care home. Communication became harder and visits didn’t offer much joy. We had been told that memories were generally lost in reverse order, that the newest memories were the first to be lost but the earliest ones would remain longest. We recognised that familiar activities from his childhood might engage him, so we tried again to look at the world through his eyes. We looked for activities that would be instinctively familiar from childhood, that would require little or no explaining and bought him presents based on this idea. This part of our journey inspired many more moments of fun, connection and love. With Timeless Presents we want to share the things we learnt. It's our sincere hope that with these gifts you too can find moments of shared joy with those people in your life who have dementia. ​ Sharon & Chris Daltrey ​

Our designs
Our products are based on traditional pastimes and use vintage styling to create a feeling of familiarity. These will be gifts you will love to give, and use together.
Our beautifully presented products are designed to engage the curiosity of those in the later stages of Dementia. Our designs and activities are adapted for ease of use, to engage and evoke memories of early childhood as these are the memories that tend to endure the test of time.
Shop our products
While our products were initially crafted with later stage dementia in mind, we've discovered their effectiveness has the potential to extend beyond this scope. They're equally suitable for addressing various cognitive and sensory challenges. We believe in breaking barriers and welcome individuals facing different conditions to explore how our products can benefit them. Don't be shy to try! Our products are designed to help people regardless of labels.