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The Ultimate Fidget Activity - The Curiosity Box including Tote Carry Bag

The Ultimate Fidget Activity - The Curiosity Box including Tote Carry Bag

VAT Included

The perfect gift for someone in the later stages of dementia. Our timeless Curiosity Box with carry bag is the ultimate fidget activity that can be taken anywhere and recalls the intrigue of treasure chests and button tins. They almost whisper ‘Open me, and have look inside!’  It reminds us of afternoons sorting through button tins, inspecting, organising and delighting at the hidden finds within. 

The Curiosity Box contains several items to be discovered on opening and, when this is initiated by the person with dementia, the choice to open the box empowers their innate human inquisitiveness. Having a rummage around and investigating all that it contains is so very satisfying. You can enjoy the box and its contents together when they become restless and want to ‘go home’ or become bored with conversation they can no longer follow. Additionally, a Curiosity Box sitting within their visual field, can stir their interest and they may choose to use it independently. Observationally this seems to act as a ‘re-set’ in some people, allowing more time together before the restlessness or boredom returns.


Accredited 1b by DSDC at Stirling University


Included in the traditional box:


  • Twisting blocks that bend and snap into endless shapes.
  • The large buttons can be stacked, counted, or;
  • be popped in the purse or;
  • threaded on the lace.
  • The study wooden spinning top is comfortingly vintage style.
  • A large wooden dice is easy to handle and see the dots.
  • A small pack of 6 replica tea cards with beautiful pictures of nature to look at and discuss.
  • A tote carry bag for the Curiosity Box is included.


Simple hints and tips for using a Timeless Presents product:

  • Do - commit to participating in this activity, the aim is to spend time engaging with each other.
  • Do - communicate on an adult level while offering praise and encouragement.
  • Avoid - questions that start ‘Do you remember’. Try ‘do you like…’ instead.
  • If possible - let them lead, there’s no ‘wrong way’ to explore, so avoid directions and criticism.
  • Do - have fun!



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